nor(DEV):con 2019 Call For Speakers

by paulgrenyer, on 15 July 2018

nor(DEV):con 2019 Call For Speakers Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd February 2019 Kings Centre 63-75 King Street Norwich NR1 1PH

nor(DEV):con, the Norfolk Developers Conference is back for 2019 and stronger than ever with new tracks and an updated format. nor(DEV):con is Norfolk and Norwich’s premier and most well attended conference for everyone involved in software development and business.

Call for Speakers

The call for speakers is open from now until Friday 28th of September 2018. To submit a proposal, please send an email to with the following:

  • Session Title
  • Session abstract
  • Session topic: Pre-conference workshop, Tech, Process, Workshop, Stephen Fry, Business, Lightning talk
  • Session length: 45 min presentation, 90 minute presentation, 90 minute hands on workshop, Full day hands on workshop, 5 minute Lightning talk
  • Technical level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Business
  • Speaker(s) Bio
  • Availability for Thursday 21st (full day workshops only), Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd February.

Further information will be required if you proposal is accepted.

Conference Topics

Pre-Conference Full Day Workshops

We’re looking for three full day pre-conference hands on workshops. These should be on a software development or process theme and we’re looking for one beginner, one intermediate and one advanced workshop. Pre-conference workshops attract between 5 and 30 people.

Tech Track

We’re looking for 45 minute and 90 minute beginners, intermediate and advanced presentations primarily on coding, techniques and libraries. This year we’re particularly keen to include a few Blockchain sessions.

Process Track Rather than just concentrating on Agile, this year we have a process track for any type of software development process. Yes, you can even propose a session on Waterfall if you’re feeling brave!

Stephen Fry Track

Software Development is more than just code and practices. It’s about people. And people are not logical entities that follow easily understood rules. We’re illogical, irrational, and tend to shy away from difficult subjects like mental illness, inequality, and bias. This track looks at the softer side of Software Development, at the people, how they interact, and how we can work with the whole gamut of humanity, because it’s not just Stephen Fry who has manic depression.

Workshop Track

We’re looking for 90 minute hands on workshops for up to 20 people. These can be on any of the topics above and delegates bring their own laptops.

Business Track

The business track is the track for everyone! We’re looking for business based sessions with a technical slant.

Lightning Talks On the Friday evening during the wine reception, which will be in the main hall, we’ll also be opening the floor to lightning talks. A lightning talk is a 5 minute presentation and we encourage new speakers as well as experienced speakers to present.

Speakers Package

  • Free entry to the Friday and Saturday sessions at the conference
  • Free entry to the Friday night speakers dinner
  • Travel and accommodation at the discretion of the conference organiser